“Kids Ask Authors” Podcast

Author and illustrator Grace Lin’s podcast “Kids Ask Authors” involves Lin and a guest author answering one question posed by kids. Recent episodes include graphic novelist Raina Telgemeier describing which of her books was the most enjoyable to write and why, and Jeff Kinney, author of the “Wimpy Kid” books, answering a question about the first character he ever made. This is a great resource for kids curious to learn about their favorite authors or interested in learning about new ones.

Read a New J. K. Rowling Book Online!

J. K. Rowling felt families under lockdown could use a boost and decided the time was right to share The Ickabog, a story she wrote for own children when they were young. Children may read the story online in daily installments and may also enter a competition to illustrate the story. While The Ickabog isn’t a story about magic, it’s sure to lift the spirits of Harry Potter fans everywhere.