Medline Plus- Excellent Resource

Medline Plus is a really great resource for patrons regarding medical questions. The website is  run by the U.S. Library of Medicine. It focuses on three main subject headings: Health Topics, Drugs & Supplements, and Video & Cool Tools. The website provides information about diseases, diagnoses, and even shows videos of surgical procedures if the patron is interested.

I recently used this website to look up an endoscopy before my procedure. I watched what was basically a Powerpoint about the whole process. The presentation took me through it step-by-step: what I should do to prepare, the procedure, what to expect afterwards, etc. It was a great tool and it helped me to know what to expect.

It’s a great resource and I highly recommend it. Check it out here.

Helping a Patron

One of my favorite things about being a librarian is how we almost always ( maybe       99.9 %?) of the time find the answer that the patron is looking for, or else “die” trying. A patron came in today to have an item scanned, and Kim tried on the copier downstairs where she’s been able to before, but it wouldn’t work today for whatever reason. I tried upstairs, but when I spoke to Maria she told me it’s not set up to scan, but we’ll soon be able to after the renovation. So I called around until I found a library who could help her, which happened to be Blauvelt, and she was very appreciative. But this is just run of the mill help compared to other stories, like the one I read from a librarian in California who went out of her way for an older gentleman and got quite a story from it. You can read it here. One never really knows the amazing stories from a patron’s life until we have an opportunity to ask…


When I click on the NoveList page on the webpage, it takes me to a webpage that says “No databases are currently assigned to this profile. To begin a new session, please login again.” I have no problem logging in by clicking on the “login again,” but then I have to choose NoveList from a list of Ebsco resources. Is it supposed to take a patron to this page? I seem to remember it taking me directly to NoveList when I’ve used it before.  It also takes me to the same login page when I go in through the Online Resources page. Thoughts?